A couple weeks ago, I made a speed run at the Pfeif, but I lost visibility and bailed on the knife edge ridge leading up to it. Today, I made a run at the Y Couloir. I had planned to do some boring intervals at the resort, but Chad convinced me to join him in the Y, AND he offered to get there early to break trail for me! How could anyone pass that up?
For a solid 2300 feet, I was able to follow a nice booter put in by Chad and a couple other dudes. After that, Chad and I traded pulls, but it was slower going, especially towards the top where there was a nice bloody-shin crust on top of some bothersome sugar.
From Y Couloir |
In 4WD mode -- Whippets and boots churning -- my hands got really cold, which is why I am making this face:
From Y Couloir |
Anyway, here are the stats:
1:18:25 from car to top. Trail was broken for a good portion of the way, with some rough trail breaking at the end. I think it could be done in under an hour if there is a good booter in, like there is now. Go for it!
1:38 car to car*. *Paused the stopwatch at the top for a bit of socializing with Chad.
3508 feet climbed, same descended.
Gear: DyNA Boots, Low Techs, Trab World Cups, CAMP pack with avy gear, Montbell Thermawrap, and my own personal trail breaker.
gripitz would have saved you at least a minute...