Sunday, April 3, 2011

Timp Traverse

Timp Traverse
From Provo Canyon to American Fork Canyon
On Friday, the Dorais brothers, Chad Ambrose and I traversed Mt. Timpanogos.  We went South to North, from Provo Canyon to American Fork Canyon, going up a west facing couloir, across the ridge, and out Cold Fusion.  From afar, the "Sleeping Maiden" is a bit intimidating--almost too beautiful and wild to dare to approach.  Over the years, and not without a few rejections, I've become somewhat acquainted with her; although, I'd be lying if I said that she's not still intimidating.  Certainly, she deserves respect.
Jason Dorais, paying respect.  He's single by the way.
Yours Truly reaching the True Summit (and)
tying Chad's lone Montrail running shoe to
the apex of the hut.  (photo: Andy Dorais)
  • Time: 9 hrs 53 minutes
  • Distance: 15.3 miles
  • Elevation Gain: 9,457 ft
  • Elevation Loss: 8,471 ft
  • Max Elevation: 11,733 ft
  • Miles on dirt: 3
  • Miles above 11k: 5
  • Summits: Timp South, Timp True, Bomber Peak, Timp North, and a couple other 11k+ nubs
  • Partners: Andy Dorais, Jason Dorais, Chad Ambrose
  • Monster Avalanche Crowns observed: 4
  • Offerings unintentionally made to the Sleeping Maiden: 1 shoe, 1 pair of gloves, 1 Dynafit ski crampon, 1 bag of Gu Chomps
  • Offerings intentionally made to the Sleeping Maiden: 1 shoe, proudly flying on the top the summit hut 
  • Food consumed: 1.75 liters of sports drink, 1 coke, 2 bags of Chomps, 1 gu, 2 Snickers, trail mix, 1 bag of jerky
  • Gear: I was on Dynafit Broad Peaks with La Sportiva RT Bindings with Dynafit DyNA boots.  This ski setup is about 1 pound heavier (per foot) than my race skis, but makes the DH and skinning (more stable, more surface area) a bit more bearable.  The high heel lifters on the RT bindings came in handy on the 6000 ft+ climb up west Timp.  Andy and Chad were on BD Gurus.  Jason was on Dynafit Nanga Parbats.   
The East-ish aspects of Timp were awesome.  I saw at least 4 very large avalanche crowns.  Notice the crown on the peak in the background.  I think these were caused by cornice fall.  (Photo: Jason Dorais) 
The East Ridge viewed from the South.  
The west facing aspect of Timp--the side we traversed--was frozen solid.
It was slick and scary on skis without ski crampons.


  1. Jared, I don't recall was it my left or right shoe? Might come in handy some day. Such a great day!
