VK and RP skinning up Holy Toledo with Superior looking sexy beyond.

Holy Toledo, gift wrapped with a skin track.
At the car, Adam was waiting for round two. This was the destination.

We skied into Cardiff to enjoy a little chute and then skinned to the summit except the mandatory boot across the catwalk.
On top, we found LCC to be beautifully undercast.
Things are a bit boney right off the summit but it gets good in a hurry.
The second time down the south facing slopes into Alta, we caught the summer trail and gave our skis a break. 4000 ft of really good and 2000 ft of really really bad. Choose wisely.
That's the way it is for Nov 12, 2010.
6K for the day.
42.5K for the season.
That's the way it is? Are you Tom "Ansel" Evans? You guys look hot in your ski outfits.