Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Rando Rally Results

This morning we had our best race and turnout yet.  I'm not sure of the official count, but around 25-30 people showed up to chase each other around like fools in the crisp winter light.  Temps were perfect for racing (i.e. skin suits were comfortable once moving).  

We had some opening remarks by Brandon Dodge, Brighton patroller and defender of all skiers, and then I gave a pre race briefing to outline the course and to counsel caution on the DH given the meager coverage. Tanner was the official starter and his brother Tyler the official photographer.  

Christmas Eve Spandex 
We were off with some hooting and hollering and then I stepped out of my right ski.  Jason and Jared took notice and put the hammer down.  Facing the wrong direction as the field swallowed me, I got back into my binding and tried to give chase when I stepped out again.  Letting out a primal yell, I was getting frustrated.  No gentleman's agreement here as in cycling.  The guys up front were attacking while I tried to get my junk show punter self together.  

I probably burned the engine too hot, but caught back up and transitioned with the J's.  Except I blew the transition at the top of the Millicent lift, as for some reason my boot buckle wouldn't lock in ski mode.  Eventually (20-30 seconds later), I was mad pursuit, hoping to clean up my act.  
The usual sprint start
Our next climb was from the Brighton base to the summit of Patsy Marley, skinning around the lake en route.  Again the gap closed, particularly when Jason experienced a skin failure, but again I stepped out of my binding (not sure why, but probably has to do with the small plastic piece that underlies the toe lever keeping it securely locked).  On top of Patsy, the others were just finishing their transition as I pulled in.  I fumbled about again and then gave chase only to really ruin my race by crashing into a "rock well" and falling even further behind.  

But, in spite of my errors the day was fun with our whole group scattered all over.  Hopefully everyone else thought so too since there was some confusion about the correct route.  The remainder of the course went up Patsy a second time from Michigan City, down to the pass, up Honeycomb, and then back around the lake and down to Brighton.  Jason edged out Jared for the win and I limped in for third.  Emily nipped Emily for the women's victory and given the confusion over the course, there was no clear "rec" winner but everyone earned a second helping at their holiday feasts.  And, as has become the tradition, victory pies were handed out to both the first place man and woman and an extra was given to the racer with the heaviest gear.  

Thanks to Dodge and the rest of the folks at Brighton for allowing our shenanigans and for all those that came out to play.  Stay tuned for the next one in a month or so...

Happy holidays everyone,



  1. Pretty cool you guys are doing this. You should keep it up just to see how it grows throughout the year/seasons.

  2. Thanks Derek,

    It definitely seems like there is some interest out there but I'm not sure how much of that is due to the really terrible skiing available right now. I wonder if these "backyard" style races could morph into a weeknight series akin to crits in the summer. So far Brighton has been super cool to let us traipse about their land. Let's hope the relationship continues to grow. See you at the next one?

  3. I work weekend/days at the hospital, so my schedule is not the norm.

    I've thought about doing the same kind of thing for nordic skiing on some of the longer "nordic tours". You guys need to pic up nordic skating to pass the time. Tons of 50-100 kilometer "tours" near by, although this year, even that scenario is grim.

  4. Hey Andy,
    Thanks for the Blog and great content. I am just getting into the Skimo thing with my first race being last year's powderkeg. I am loving it and always looking for more people to get outside and ski with. My usual crew is great but not as motivated, I would love to get out with you guys when you have a group race, ski day, or any other open invite. Please add me to the list.

    801 739 6129

  5. Andy, i'm curious if you can help me figure out what size rando-suit to order from Europe. We met at Speed Goat this last year,( i was bonking up the last climb when you caught me). if i recall correctly we're of similar build. i'm 5'11 and 155 lbs. i hate to order something and have it not fit when it finally gets to the states. thanks ahead of time. Jason Moyer Bend, OR
