An older avalanche.
Timp and Box Elder . . . soon.
Scrambling in ski boots.
The NW Couloir. "Holy $(mack) we're skiing that?"
Hope your edges are sharp.
I'm using 2 cm of plastic to support myself above a big fat cliff.
The Rap.
Ping pong or skiing? It's all in your hands (or feet).
Northeast face.
Ethan and Miya.
Timp and Box Elder . . . soon.
The east ridge of Das Pfeif.
Scrambling in ski boots.
The NW Couloir. "Holy $(mack) we're skiing that?"
Hope your edges are sharp.
I'm using 2 cm of plastic to support myself above a big fat cliff.
The Rap.
Ping pong or skiing? It's all in your hands (or feet).
Northeast face.
Ethan and Miya.
UT Rider, that's a good question, one that I often ask myself. Above all, I do it for the challenge and because it's simply beautiful up there. It helps that I like climbing since the climbing to descending ratio is about 90/10 at best. Good powder on the descent is just a bonus!