Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I went to bed smiling

Last night as I was laying in bed, I realized that I had a big grin on my face. That was odd because I had just spent the night (until 12 am) trying to find and transfer my old computer files to a new computer. I've had computer issues the last couple weeks. My work computer got dropped when I slipped and fell on ice. My home computer died all of the sudden.

In trying to find all my old files and transfer them to my new computer (I know there's a program that does this and probably an easier way to do this, but I am what I am), I came across lots of photos, which reminded me of all the good times I have had since I got a digital camera. I had good times before that, but they weren't captured on disk.

Here is one of the first trips I captured on a digicam -- when 1 megapixels were a big thing. This was a day trip to the top of Timpanogas.

Joey and Chris on the saddle overlooking Provo on the one side and Aspen Grove on the other.

Someone booting up the South Summit.

Proof that I once tele'd and liked it.

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Heber Valley and Deer Creek from a hanging valley on Timp.

The "glacier."

Big mountain with lots of possibilities.

Joey, Molly, and Katie. You decide which ones are the dogs.

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  1. I didn't think people actually went up there in the winter. Wow.

  2. And dogs too. Winter's the best time!
